
Using Window Blinds for Creative Portraits in Studio

When looking for things to add to your list of gear and props for your photography studio, some items may not be as obvious as others. Are windows blinds on your list? Here’s how you can use Venetian blinds to add a different look to your portraits.

If you happen you have a studio with windows, chances are you have different curtains and blinds. However, if you are in a studio without any windows, you typically wouldn’t find a pair of mini blinds just lying around as a prop or as a gobo (go-between object).  

In this video from Adorama, photographer Gavin Hoey shares his process of adding the blinds in the shoot to create three different looks by changing a few things. If you happen to have a window in your studio, a similar look can be done on a sunny day. Even if you do, you can always mount a window blind on a stand with a light and move it around for more versatility.

Different styles and types of blinds can create many different looks. What are some other non-photography-related things that you find yourself using in your studio? Let us know in the comments below, and don’t forget to attach the photos with them.

Credits: Alex Ventura, FStoppers